Tuesday , 16 April 2024


Andry Rajoelina: the one for lack of being the elected one

June 26th, 2011, the elected mayor of Antananarivo is leading the military parade as presumed armed forces´ chief. Andry Rajoelina´s legality is actually hanging by a thread, merely a constitution voted set to measure and voted at the eleventh hour is granting his grip on power. And yet, the one empowered by the street and by the army is holding himself as an elected figure, and pushing up to comparing himself to a certain Jesus Christ. Read More »

HAT vs USA: controversial critics

The HAT was apparently more than angered by the American diplomacy ´s report in 2010. The authority imposed to Madagascar was blamed for its poor human rights record and presented as what it really is " a non elected and illegal régime ". The HAT swiftly replied by boasting and parading its own little international recognition. Read More »

Settlement of the crisis: elections to do away with consensus?

Until a real political consensus comes up, the HAT is fueling its propaganda for unilaterally casted election expected to be nationally and internationally accepted. Support from international partners is however much more expected than the three spheres´ collaboration into granting legitimacy to the electoral commission. The international recognition remains a goal before or after elections. Read More »

SEFAFI: critics for politicians and the SADC, encouragement for the HAT

The SEFAFI from the civil society´s coalitions claiming the mediating role though being suspected of collaboration either with the ruling authority or with the other spheres. The observatory circle of national life favored the HAT and longs for the elections with or without political agreement and the hell with the SADC´s blessing. Read More »

The movie of the week: an attempt against the painting of the HAT presidential car`s paint

Makeshift exploding devices are recovering the front stage. The armoured vehicle with the dictatorial leader on board is being targeted by a bomb attempt. The damages are irrelevant, but deemed to be turned into a political milestone. The explosive charges were enough to damage the car´s paint. The attempt is being claimed by the HAT, its supporters and no one else, so whom is it supposed to favour ? Read More »

Malagasy crisis: the international community´s alleged new stand

Since Leonardo Simao is pledging an Andry Rajoelina willing to lead the country in a self made republic, the dictating authorities are holding the end of tunnel as close. The international recognition is within reach. The SADC led mediation, so far uncompromising stand putsches or other unconstitutional leading power change, would have operated a U-turn justified by the evolution of the national and international political balance. Read More »

Doubts concerning the programmed blood bath of February 07, 2009

The case February 07th is the core of a propaganda debate. For being accused and pointed at by former president Zafy, the empowered " putsch makers" retaliated by repeated replies on the public and private TV channels devoted to the HAT, recallig the supposedly true version of a painful event which is far from settled. Read More »

A Transition according to Prof. Raymond Ranjeva´s definition, the misunderstood intellectual

Willy Razafinjatovo, the famed political attorney, opposed to the dictating power, addressed the issue. “Olala” criticized the systematic jail sentences directed against the opponents and the subsequent lack of freedom of speech. Raymond Ranjeva´s case was mentioned as an evidence of a strained authority´s will to silence the reason´s voice. Read More »

An electoral campaign without freedom of speech

The HAT`s opponents decided to campaign, neither for or against Andry Rajoelina`s constitutional project, but against the referendum itself. The dictating power and its police forces subsequently silenced peaceful demonstrations while the self proclaimed leader was promoting the YES vote even after the official end of the campaigning period. Read More »

Scoop: a government member vs. the VIVA radio channel

The “dispute” between Organes Rakotomihantarizaka and the VIVA radio channel’s reporter number one is hurting the HAT’s permanent propaganda. Though being supposed to hit at whoever is opposing his highness the dictating authority leader, reporters are now unleashing against their own allies, how amazing. Read More »