Thursday , 25 April 2024


A remote controlled congress: a democracy in danger

the national assembly is about to be desacralized by these deputies „appointed“ by the HAT on its allies' bidding, The transitional congress' first session was merely a political decoy, For being to busy with its own management, the HAT's institution had no time for genuine issues Read More »

June 26th desecrated by an entertainment regime

It was celebrated in music by the HAT, and in discretion and dignity by its opponents, the 50th independence's anniversary failed from recalling the republican and democratic values for which the country was expected to commit after the end of the colonization. These entertaining, thrice entertaining party, clearly reminded, however, that an entertainer and a DJ is in control of the...turntables. Read More »

National dialog: constitution or reconciliation, the committee babbles

The race against the clock engaged by the national dialog's organization committee made of the Raiamandreny mijoro and the civil society's coalition, did not take place. Only a short couple of weeks are left to collect the districts' "population" originated proposals, and then to tackle the dialog in Antananarivo. Read More »

Ambassadors hitting the road without saying goodbye

The leader of the High Authority of Transition received the ambassadors of Turkey and Pakistan presenting their credence letters pledging power to ambassadors in charge in Madagascar. A big piece of pride for the putsch originated authorities, somehow unwilling to comment the departure of many more other diplomats who left Antananarivo without saying goodbye to Andry Rajoelina. Read More »

Constitutional advisory committee: a mass manipulation weapon?

The committee in charge of preparing the 4th Republic's Constitution project keeps on gathering propositions from back and forth. Political parties, associations, police forces, previous institutions' leaders, simple citizens… are being invited to present their point or or even a whole of a project. The action would be masking a political calculation lurking behind shadows of an "inclusive" movement and eminent law experts. Read More »

TGV: big electoral ambition and desperate quest for a candidate

Andry Rajoelina officially ruled himself out of from the next presidential election, his young party, technically a newborn thing, has not given electoral ambitions up for so much. The TGV does put no limits to its appetite for even being willing to make a clean sweep as an outcome of the next legislative election. Its presidential candidacy might become a real surprise Read More »

Anti-Chissano propaganda: shameful accusation in order to ruin the mediator’s credit

In response to the report presented by the Malagasy political crisis' main mediator, the HAT propaganda machine reacted. A strike back in the rule of the art against Joaquim Chissano's personal reputation is on its way. The Mozambican former president is being accused of having been corrupted by Marc Ravalomanana, for maintaining his stand against the HAT in spite of Andry Rajoelina's "announcement" of his pull out from the presidential race. v Read More »

Baseless bluff about the failed Pretorian opportunity

Liar, liar, slim dummy skinny liar! Andry Rajoelina accused the other mobility leaders, particularly Marc Ravalomanana of course, of liing when denying the foregone deal on the French roadmap. Fetison Andrianirina, from the Ravalomanana mobility, returned the favor. Read More »

Complicated agreement in Pretoria, Andry Rajoelina’s self achieving dream away

Andry Rajoelina only had to say the magical words to have them come true by the beginnning of the year 2009 when power became his. The former mayor of Antananarivo city can definitely not expect the same this time around with political negotiations. His reliance on France's protection has, for the time being, failed to grant him either the crisis' happy end or the international recognition which he is longing for. Andry Rajoelina is a little bit desappointed and cannot understand why on earth do the other mobility leaders, first and foremost Marc Ravalomanana, keep on refusing to sign France's deal allegedly supported by South Africa. "I had thought that the others would have shown evidences of tolerance and wisdom ", he moaned. And yet, the propaganda machine is extensively campaining on the "secret deal". Read More »

The army of former rebels straining to defend its “neutrality”

The south-African authority would have invited Malagasy army representatives to attend the meeting of Malagasy political mobilities in Pretoria. In Antananarivo, the soldiers ruled out any eventual involvement into the meeting, in the name of the army's "political neutrality". Read More »