Thursday , 16 May 2024
It has been time! The HAT Prime minister Vital freshly shaped up his government, five months after his appointment. The process is, however, miles away from causing applauses at home. The three mobilities and the civil society jointly stand against it. On the international stage, France failed to provide full support the HAT, and Africa is standing tall.

The unilateral government: the crisis’ fake solution criticized


The new Vital government is in no way a solution, but rather a way to alter the crisis. Fetison Andrianirina from the Ravalomana mobility denounced an umpteenth unilateral move from Andry Rajoelina, for believing that neither inclusivity nor national unity were to be met anywhere in this government. He is once again recommending the recovery of political talks aiming at restoring a transition jointly managed by the various mobilities and the other groupings.   


Ange Andrianarisoa from the Ratsiraka mobility equally emphasized the need to find a political agreement prior to the erection of any government, as well as the clear gap between the Arema party and the dissident figures integrated within the HAT government.  


The civil society’s “Ladies” are joining the frontline with the CCOC (locally standing for Union of Citizens and Citizen Organisations), and denounced the authoritarian authority’s unilateral action. According to Lalao Randriamampionona, “this government is adding up to problems and failing to settle any of them”. She reiterated that consensus must be found prior to any decision making supposed to drive the nation out of from the crisis.  


The CCOC is holding the Vital government is clearly based over a single one political mobility. The union does not believe it in anyway able to grow any solution for being deprived of the other political forces. Talks, and consequently the recovery of the Pretoria stage are being held as the single solution. “These talks must not be based on foregone ideas”, specified Lalao Randriamampionona.  


The erection of the “TGV military and technical government” produced an even poorer effect that Andry Rajoelina’s confirmation of his reluctance to run the presidential election. Neither France, nor the French-speaking countries, the HAT’s usual allies, pledged this unilateral signature of the end of the talks as a message to the international community. The HAT has given the quest for recognition up, it wants to terminate the doomed transition while keeping in control. Some African countries did what it took so that the young Malagasy “putsch maker” and  “dictator” remains out of the France-Africa summit.  


The HAT Prime minister Camille Vital has been having the mission to erect a transitional government likely to drive the nation out of from the crisis since four monts. In January, one month after his appointment, Andry Rajoelina gave him the order while failing to impose time restrictions, as making good use of the lesson drawn from Monja Roindefo’s fake openness government erected in the world record time of only 72 hours. However, general Camille Vital’s led negotiations with the other political mobilities were not any much successful.  


The Rajoelina mobility is, thererupon, remaining in full control of the government, with two third of the team being made of its members. The remaining third is dedicated to soldiers and pure technicians. Farewell to national unity and public salute, the new government has only a couple of missions left: managing on going issues and preparing the elections.  


This recovered electoral vocation is also a cause for doubts since the HAT unilaterally put an allegedly independent electoral commission meant to prepare, organize and to control the elections. This patchwork is being displayed by the appointment of the so named… Jean, previous civil administrators’ representative in the CENI, as minister in charge of the home affairs department